School Vision Meme School Vision Statement Funny

All-School News

Spirit Night Thank you!
Thanks to everyone who organized and volunteered at last Friday's Spirit Night. Our 4th & 5th graders had fun cheering on the teams, getting T-shirts signed by the players, and running back and forth under the basket. It was also a great night for FCS Varsity basketball. Read more here. Go Phoenix Phans!

Looking to the Future in Quaker Education - Jan. 25
Irene McHenry
, former Executive Director of the Friends Council on Education, will headline an All-School Meeting for Worship at 1 pm on Sunday, Jan. 25 in Shallcross Hall. Her talk, "Quaker Education: 350 Years at the Forefront of Essential Learning," will address how a Quaker education uniquely prepares future-oriented students. Meeting for Worship and refreshments will follow. Join us!

All-SchoolOne FCS Meeting - Jan. 27
All parents are invited to attend the One FCS  Meeting onTuesday, Jan. 27 at 7:30 pm in the Fannie Cox Center (FCC) Lecture Hall. (Please note change of location). H ead of School Craig Sellers  will share news about planned changes to both campuses and ways in which the School is expanding its global perspective. Robyn Richmond,  Quaker Coordinator, and Kristi Kallam,  Lower School teacher, will shed light on Meeting for Worship and how this year's Quaker Testimony ofIntegrity is being realized in the classroom. Don't miss it!

Teen Summer Camp Expo - At FCS on Feb. 10
Friends' Central will host a Teen Summer Program Expo in Shallcross Dining Hall from5:30-8:00 pm, Tuesday, Feb. 10. Admission is free and open to the public. Find the perfect summer experience for your teenager. Meet representatives from some of the best summer programs in the U.S. and abroad, including academic, adventure, travel, community service, internships, sport instruction, language immersion, arts/theatre/music, college prep, and gap year programs. Questions? Contact or

Spring and Summer NOW ENROLLING!
Spring Break 2015: NEW! This year, Friends' Central is offering Spring LEGO® Engineering  camps for boys and girls in Kindergarten-grade 5. This is a great opportunity for young minds to explore engineering and architecture through the fun of LEGO® bricks. Traditional Spring Break Camp is also offered for age 3-grade 5. Half- and full-day options available. Enroll now

FCS summer campSummer 2015:  FCS Summer has many new and exciting opportunities for campers ages 3-17. NEW this year:Summer LEGO® Engineering Camp, Fabrics2Fashion design camp, and Jump Start "Pi." We also offer enriching day camp and sports experiences, including Trailblazer and Tenderfoot camps, and theBasketball, Reading, and Math Clinic. Enroll online at Questions? Contact Sandy at or 610.645.5132.

Lower School News

LS MLK Day of Service - Monday, Jan. 19
Please join the LS HSA Service Committee in the Meeting Room for the MLK Day of Service from 9:15 am-12:00 noon . The day will include a brief presentation, sorting and packaging of toiletry items, shaving kit mirror decoration, and bowl painting. Full-sized toiletries and travel-sized shaving supplies needed! Donations can be brought in on Monday morning. Click here for the full list of needed items.

Saturday Basketball and Swimming Program Begins Tomorrow
Third, fourth, and fifth grades: Saturday Morning Basketball and Saturday Afternoon Swimming begins thisSaturday, Jan. 17. Basketball is from 9:30 am-12:00 pm, and Swimming is from 12:30-2:30 pm. For students taking part in both programs, supervision is provided from 12:00-12:30 pm.

LS After-School Clubs in Full Swing Now
Lower School After-School Clubs began this week and will run through March 2.   Please email Pat DeSabato with your child's dismissal plan, whether it be PPU or EDP. Because there are two Monday  holidays, the Monday  Clubs will be extended to March 16 . Please note: Dismissal time from the Clubs is 4 pm daily. Children not picked up by 4:10 pm will be brought to our Extended Day Program .

SPCA Annual Fundraiser - Donate Supplies Now
Teacher Stephanie Storm began the annual SPCA fundraiser this week, which includes Nursery through 4th grade. Humane educatorSteve Conway will visit on Thursday, Feb. 12 with his Golden Retriever Faith and his rabbit Jack, to collect donations and provide 20-30 minute presentations. Please bring donations (cleaning supplies such as Febreze, bleach, paper towels, bath towels of any size, and dog and cat food) to the Spanish room on the 3rd floor by Feb. 12.

LS Book Fair is coming  - Planning Meeting Jan. 29
TheLower School Book FairCo-Chairs welcome all Lower School parents to a Book Fair planning meeting on Thursday, Jan. 29 at 8:40 am in the Cafeteria. Join Dee Kim andMignon Groch as they describe how the Book Fair works, how parent volunteers can help, and what an exciting and rewarding event it is for our community. Can't make the meeting but would like to be involved? Contact Dee Kim or Mignon Groch. New to the Book Fair? Click here to find out more!

LS Lunch Food Drive Continues
The Lower School's "Let's Cheer for Lunch" food drive continues until next Friday, Jan. 23. Please drop off non-perishables, including canned tuna, peanut butter, jelly, canned soups, pasta, crackers, applesauce cups, fruit snacks, raisins, juice boxes, and non-perishable milk, outside the 3rd floor Spanish Room.

Final Reminder - 4th Grade Parent Gathering Jan. 23
Join fellow 4th grade parents next Friday, Jan. 23 from 7-9 pm at the home of Lisa and Brad Sandler. Please click here for the invitation.Snow date: Jan. 30.


Message from Kelly Pierre
MLK, Jr. and MahaliaIt was clear from a show of hands at Meeting for Worship this morning that all of our students know the name and work of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. There has been an increase in conversations about fairness and equality leading up to the day when we celebrate his birthday. Second grade teacher Cheryl Davis shared that some classroom discussions have concluded with the understanding that indeed things in our country regarding equality are better, but we still have work to do. The problem is not fixed.

The students are also beginning to understand that Dr. King was not the only one who stood up and spoke out for the rights of others. Many people have worked toward equality, includingRosa Parks, Lucretia Mott, Mahalia Jackson, and others less famous.

Reading Specialist Deb Will shared an important message about fairness. She said that fairness –as some second graders pointed out – is about people getting what they need. Sometimes it might not feel fair that another student gets something different, but if they are getting what they need (for example, permission to ride in the elevator when they have an injury) then it is fair.

I look forward to seeing many of you on Monday  at our MLK Day of Service. We will talk more about the power of words, hear about Physical Education Teacher Bob Folwell's experiences, and engage in service together.

Middle School News

MS MLK Day of Service - Monday, Jan. 1
The MS Service Committee welcomes all MS parent and student volunteers onMLK Day tomake and pack lunches for the Bethesda Project. Volunteers also are needed to provide baked goods for lunches. Click herefor the baked goods sign-up sheet (if you are not able to access the document, any baked items you can bring on Monday will be very welcome). The day will include presentations by the Bethesda Project on its programs and a talk byDwight Dunston'06 about MLK Day. Donations of soap will also be accepted on Monday  morning.

Healthy Sexuality for Tweens and Young Teens: A Parent's Toolkit - Jan. 21
The Middle School years are exciting and challenging for kids and their parents. Puberty, access to technology, and introduction to our highly sexualized culture begin earlier now than ever before. How can parents introduce these topics to their Middle School children? How do we help younger kids see the positive aspects of healthy sexuality and prepare them to negotiate the challenges ahead in their later teen years? Join Friends' Central sexuality educator Al Vernacchio  at 7 pm, Jan. 21 in Shallcross (please note location change, and please RSVP by clicking here).

A Love-Hate Relationship with Shakespeare - Upcoming MS Comedy
Thirty-three Middle Schoolers started rehearsals this week for I Hate Shakespeare, a comedy that will make you love Shakespeare. The performances will be Friday, March 13 at 7 pm, and Sunday, March 15 at 2 pm. Mark your calendars now!

Final Reminder - 8th Grade Parent Gathering Jan. 31
Join fellow 8th grade parents on Saturday, Jan. 31 from 7-9 pm  a t the home of Lisa and Brad Sandler. Please click here for the invitation.

MS Book Fair is Coming! Feb. 9-11
Middle School Book Fair is going to the movies! The fair this year will celebrate books that have been turned into movies, books that should be made into movies, and books that Hollywood should just leave alone. More information to follow in the coming weeks.Click here if interested in volunteering.

MS Used Book Drive! Donate Now
Please contribute to the Used Book Drive. Children's books and adult books are accepted. Collection boxes are in the MS lobby.  Thank you!


Message from Alexa Quinn
In this week's Middle School Meeting for Worship, our query focused on how we each can pursue Dr. King's dream of peace, justice, and understanding. Mr. Fifer led us in singing "We Shall Overcome" before our Meeting closed.

I hope to see many of you and your children at our Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service this Monday as we make it a "day on" rather than a "day off." It is always a wonderful experience, and it's such a fitting way to honor Dr. King, who said, "Life's most persistent and urgent question is, 'What are you doing for others?'"

Many thanks, in advance, to the parents and alumni who organize our Day of Service.

Upper School News

US MLK Day of Service - Jan. 19
In partnership with Har Zion Temple, Upper School students will be volunteering from1:00-3:00 pm at Har Zion's MLK Day 2015. Click here for a list of the day's activities. A bus will be available for transportation to and from Friends' Central. The bus departs from FCS at12:30 pm and will return at3:30 pm.Click here for the Chalk Permission Form.

Canned Food Collection - Donate Now
The Upper School Service Committee is also collecting canned food to go to the Narberth Food Bank and school supplies to the Nationalities Service Center, an organization that provides assistance for new immigrants to the Greater Philadelphia area. Collection boxes are in Shallcross Hall and homerooms.

Junior College Night - Jan. 29
Juniors and their parents are invited to theJunior College Night program presented by the Counseling Office at 7 pm on Thursday, Jan. 29. The guest speaker will be J.T. Duck,Director of Admissions at Swarthmore College.A graduate of Haverford College, J.T. served as Associate Director of Admissions there and at Brandeis and MIT, before joining Swarthmore this fall. J.T. will offer his perspective both as a college "insider" and from his experience on "the other side of the desk" as Director of College Counseling at Boston University Academy.

Reserve Your 2015 Yearbook Now
Students may buy anFCS Yearbook now for $75 at All the money raised supports yearbook production (Please note: Senior yearbooks are already reserved). Senior Parents: All dedication pages will be designed and purchased online - deadline Feb. 17 . Click here for more details. Visit and type in "Friends Central School." Questions? Contact Alejandra Socorro or Balfour at 1.800.945.0496. Senior Parents - the deadline is approaching, so please get your dedication pages in as soon as possible!

Drama Showcase to Explore Rodney King Beating - Feb. 8
Many of us recall the 1991 video of four white police officers beating black motorist Rodney King and the riots that ensued (after the acquittal of three officers and conviction of one for excessive force). In light of current events and conversations about race relations, US drama students will explore playwright and actress Anna Deavere Smith's Twilight: Los Angeles, 1992. Smith's series of monologues is based on interviews she conducted with individuals involved in the riots. You don't want to miss this provocative and timely performance at 2 pm on Sunday, Feb. 8, inShallcross.

Speaking of Drama - Please Send YourCat Memes
The clock is ticking on submission of cat memes in time for the US musical Cats, which hits the Friends' Central stage in February. Send in a cat meme for the slideshow planned in our Cat Meme Pre-show!  Send meme with your name, your kitty's name, and your connection to FCS toPriscilla Lukens orChris Levy. The shows are Friday-Sunday, Feb. 27-28 and  March 1 in Shallcross.

Final Reminder - US Choral Concert DVDs
Last call to order your copy of the US Winter Choral Concert DVD. Please click here for the order form.

Final Reminder - January Parent Gatherings

  • Grade 10 - Home of Gina Pinotti and John Shields,Friday, Jan. 23 at 7 pm. Please click here  for the Evite. Don't forget to sign up for your Pot Luck Dish!

  • Grade 11 - Home of Melissa and Paul Anderson,Friday,Jan. 30 at 7 pm. Please click here for the invitation.


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