Who Holds Majority in the House of Representatives




Democrats Won the House. Here'southward What's Side by side.

The Democrats took control of the Business firm of Representatives, adding several women to their ranks. The party now has the power to investigate President Trump. Here's how else Democrats may challenge the president.

[cheers] The Democrats accept won command of the House. "We want our community back. We want our land back. And we want our state back." "Change came tonight." "We are standing in our ability." "A victory for our country." Here are some of the new faces: "People like u.s., with unique names and different backgrounds." "There's never been a Native American adult female." "When nosotros vote, this is what happens." Only what comes next? For starters, a lot of potential Donald Trump-related investigations. Democrats will now have control of Firm committees. That gives them the power to launch investigations and issue subpoenas. The people near likely overseeing some of these committees: They include many Trump foes. "He's a liar. He stiffs everybody. Yous can't trust him. That's what I've learned." This is Representative Jerrold Nadler, a New Yorker who's been feuding with Trump since the 1990s, when he tried to block one of Trump's existent manor projects. Every bit the likely new head of the Judiciary Committee, Nadler has promised he volition open up investigations into Trump's alleged interference with the F.B.I. and Justice Department. Some other Trump nemesis is Representative Maxine Waters of California. "Maxine, a seriously low I.Q. person." "This president has displayed the virtually despicable beliefs that any homo could do." She volition at present probable oversee the Fiscal Services Committee and may try to reinstate consumer protections rolled back by Republicans. Representative Elijah Cummings has promised to look into accusations of voter suppression and potential fraud and abuse by the White House and federal agencies. And then there'south Representative Adam Schiff, who said he'd reopen targeted inquiries into alleged ties between Trump and Russian federation. "We'll be able to get answers the Republicans were unwilling to pursue." So, what's on the agenda? Business firm Democrats have promised to brand fighting climate change a priority and tackle gerrymandering. "A set of maps that distorts public sentiment." They may try to team up with with Republicans on infrastructure spending and lowering prescription drug costs. "Nosotros're going to piece of work to drive down wellness care costs, strengthen the Affordable Care Act and dramatically reduce the cost of prescription drugs." But getting buy-in on their legislative agenda from the Republican-controlled Senate would be a tall order on many bug. What about impeaching Trump? It's non the party line — for now. "Impeachment is a very divisive approach." They'd also need the Senate'due south help. But Autonomous Firm members may be able to get a concur of Trump's taxation returns, using an obscure 100-year-old precedent. And the leadership? Nancy Pelosi, the current Democratic leader, will be upwardly for re-election in Dec. Just at that place are others who may be interested in the job and many who want her out. "It's time for people to know when to go." "Volition you vote for Nancy Pelosi?" "Probably not." "I don't support Nancy Pelosi." So, when practise they start? The 116th Firm of Representatives will be sworn in on Jan. 3, 2019.

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The Democrats took control of the Firm of Representatives, adding several women to their ranks. The party now has the power to investigate President Trump. Here's how else Democrats may challenge the president. Credit Credit... Sarah Silbiger/The New York Times

Democrats harnessed voter fury toward President Trump to win command of the House and capture pivotal governorships Tuesday nighttime as liberals and moderates banded together to deliver a forceful rebuke of Mr. Trump, even as Republicans held on to their Senate bulk by claiming a handful of conservative-leaning seats.

The two parties each had some big successes in the states. Republican governors were elected in Ohio and Florida, two of import battlegrounds in Mr. Trump's 2022 campaign calculations. Democrats beat Gov. Scott Walker, the Wisconsin Republican and a elevation target, and captured the governor's office in Michigan — two states that Mr. Trump carried in 2022 and where the left was looking to rebound.

Propelled by an unusually high turnout that illustrated the intensity of the backlash against Mr. Trump, Democrats claimed at least 26 House seats on the forcefulness of their support in suburban and metropolitan districts that were once bulwarks of Republican power but where voters have recoiled from the president's demagoguery on race.

Early Wednesday morning Democrats clinched the 218 House seats needed to have control. There were at least xv additional tossup seats that had notwithstanding to exist chosen.

From the suburbs of Richmond to the subdivisions of Chicago and even Oklahoma City, an array of diverse candidates — many of them women, outset-fourth dimension contenders or both — stormed to victory and ended the Republicans' eight-year grip on the House majority.

But in an indication that the political and cultural divisions that lifted Mr. Trump 2 years ago may but be deepening, the Democratic gains did non extend to the Senate, where many of the most competitive races were in heavily rural states. Republicans were set to build on their 1-seat majority in the bedchamber by winning Democratic seats in Indiana, North Dakota and Missouri while turning back Representative Beto O'Rourke's spirited claiming of Senator Ted Cruz in Texas.

Paradigm Senator Ted Cruz, Republican of Texas, overwhelmed his Democratic challenger, Representative Beto O'Rourke, through many rural parts of the state.

Credit... Tamir Kalifa for The New York Times

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In two marquee races in the Southward, progressive African-American candidates for governor captured the imagination of liberals across the land. One roughshod to defeat at the hands of Trump acolytes, and the other'southward hereafter was in dubiousness — a sign that steady demographic change across the region was proceeding besides gradually to lift Democrats definitively to victory.

Secretary of Land Brian Kemp of Georgia was ahead of Stacey Abrams, who was seeking to become the first black adult female to lead a country; early on Wednesday morning, Ms. Abrams suggested the race might become to a runoff. And former Representative Ron DeSantis narrowly defeated Andrew Gillum, the mayor of Tallahassee, in the largest presidential battlefield, Florida.

At an election-nighttime commemoration in Washington, Nancy Pelosi, the Democratic minority leader in the House who may soon return to the office of House speaker, signaled how central the theme of checking Mr. Trump and cleaning up government was to the political party's success.

"When Democrats win — and nosotros volition win tonight — we volition have a Congress that is open up, transparent and accountable to the American people," she proclaimed. "Are you ready for a great Democratic victory?"

But at a meeting of Democratic donors and strategists earlier on Tuesday, she signaled there were lines she would not cross next year. Attempting to impeach Mr. Trump, she said, was non on the agenda.

Even so, the Democrats' House takeover represented a clarion telephone call that a majority of the country wants to see limits on Mr. Trump for the next two years of his term. With the opposition now wielding amendment power and the investigation past the special counsel, Robert South. Mueller 3, still looming, the president is facing a drastically more hostile political surround in the lead up to his re-election.

Their loss of the House besides served unmistakable notice on Republicans that the rules of political gravity still be in the Trump era. What was effectively a referendum on Mr. Trump's incendiary conduct and hard-right nationalism may make some of the party'south lawmakers uneasy about linking themselves to a president who ended the campaign showering audiences with a blizzard of mistruths, conspiracy theories and invective about immigrants.


Credit... Todd Heisler/The New York Times

And information technology revealed that many of the right-of-center voters who backed Mr. Trump in 2016, every bit a barely palatable alternative to Hillary Clinton, were unwilling to requite him indelible political loyalty.

The president was initially muted Tuesday dark, offer merely a terse statement on Twitter, just so turned more exhibitionistic, citing others to claim that he deserved credit for Republicans who won.

For Democrats, their Business firm triumph was particularly redemptive — not only because of how crestfallen they were in the wake of Mrs. Clinton's defeat but due to how they establish success this year.

The president unwittingly galvanized a new generation of activism, inspiring hundreds of thousands angered, and a petty disoriented, past his unexpected triumph to brand their first foray into politics as volunteers and candidates. He also helped ensure that Democratic officeholders would more closely reflect the coalition of their party, and that a adult female may have over the Business firm, should Ms. Pelosi secure the voters to reclaim the speakership.

It was the party's grass roots, nonetheless, that seeded Democratic candidates with unprecedented amounts of small-dollar contributions and dwarfed traditional party fund-raising efforts. The so-chosen liberal resistance was undergirded by women and people of color and many of them won on Tuesday, including Mikie Sherrill in New Jersey, Lauren Underwood in Illinois and Abigail Spanberger in Virginia.

In next yr's session of Congress, there will be 100 women in the House for the starting time time in history.

The Democrats' wide gains in the House, and their capture of several powerful governorships, in many cases represented a vindication of the party'due south more moderate wing. The candidates who delivered the Business firm majority largely hailed from the political center, running on clean-regime themes and promises of incremental improvement to the health care organisation rather than transformational social alter.


Credit... Sam Hodgson for The New York Times

To this cease, the Autonomous gains Tuesday came in many of the state'south most affluent suburbs, communities Mrs. Clinton carried, but they besides surprised Republicans in some more conservative metropolitan areas. Kendra Horn, for example, pulled off maybe the upset of the night by defeating Representative Steve Russell in cardinal Oklahoma.

"Oklahoma City has grown increasingly various and today'southward Republican Party has little to say to people of color," said the city'southward mayor, David F. Holt, noting that Mr. Russell sought to broaden his appeal but "was running against the national message of his party."

And in a traditionally Republican Southward Carolina district where Representative Mark Sanford had lost his primary race in June, a Democrat, Joe Cunningham, upset a Trump enthusiast, Katie Arrington.

Indeed, the coalition of voters that mobilized confronting Mr. Trump was broad, diverse and somewhat ungainly, taking in young people and minorities who reject his culture-state of war politics; women appalled by what they see as his misogyny; seniors alarmed by Republican wellness care policies; and upscale suburban whites who support gun control and environmental regulation as surely as they favor tax cuts. It will now autumn to Democrats to forge these disparate communities alienated past the president into a durable electoral base for the 2022 presidential race at a time when their core voters are increasingly tilting left.

Withal the theory — embraced by hopeful liberals in states like Texas and Florida — that charismatic and unapologetically progressive leaders might transmute Republican bastions into regal political battlegrounds, proved largely fruitless. Though there were signs that demographic change was loosening Republicans' grip on the Sun Belt, those changes did not arrive quickly enough for candidates like Mr. Gillum and Mr. O'Rourke. And the Democratic collapse in rural areas that began to plague their candidates under President Obama worsened Tuesday across much of the political map.

Polling indicated that far more voters than is typical used their midterm vote to render a verdict on the president, and Mr. Trump embraced the campaign every bit a judgment on him: the signs above the stage at his finally rally in Missouri Monday night read, "Promises Made, Promises Kept," and fabricated no mention of the candidate he was ostensibly in that location to support.

But by maintaining the intense support of his red-state bourgeois base, Mr. Trump strengthened his party's concur on the Senate and extended Republican dominance of several swing states crucial to his re-election entrada, including Florida, Iowa and Ohio, where the G.O.P. retained the governorships.


Credit... Erin Schaff for The New York Times

Despite how inescapable the president was, Democrats carefully framed the election on policy issues such as health intendance to win over voters who were more uneasy with than hostile to the provocateur in the White Firm. There were far more campaign advertisements on the left almost congressional Republicans endangering access to wellness insurance for those with pre-existing conditions than there were about a president who many liberals fear is a menace to American democracy.

While drawing less notice than the fight for control of Congress, Democrats enjoyed mixed success in something of a revival in the region that elevated Mr. Trump to the presidency by winning governor's races in Michigan and Illinois. Beyond the symbolic importance of regaining a foothold in the Midwest, their land house gains will also offering them a measure of control over the adjacent round of redistricting.

Drawing as much notice among progressives hungry for a new generation of leaders was the Senate race in Texas, where Mr. O'Rourke, a 46-year-one-time El Paso congressman, eschewed polling and political strategists to run every bit an unapologetic progressive in a conservative state undergoing a demographic shift.

Mr. O'Rourke ran closer than expected against Mr. Cruz thanks to a historic midterm turnout, and the Democrat'southward unconventional success prompted calls for him to seek the presidency long before the polls closed Tuesday night.

In the states Mr. Trump made a priority — Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Missouri — he came away with several marquee victories for Senate and governor. Merely in parts of the country with many college-educated white voters, some of whom supported Mr. Trump in 2016, his manner of leadership and his atypical focus on immigration in the concluding weeks of the campaign contributed to Republican House losses.

Among the major races of the nighttime, Senator Joe Donnelly of Indiana, Senator Claire McCaskill of Missouri and Senator Heidi Heitkamp of North Dakota, three moderate Democrats in increasingly bourgeois states, were decisively defeated cheers to Republican force in small towns and rural areas. In Tennessee, Representative Marsha Blackburn, a conservative Republican, was dominating onetime Gov. Phil Bredesen in the eye and western parts of the state that were once Autonomous strongholds.

The Democrats flipped the Senate seat in Nevada, with Representative Jacky Rosen beating Senator Dean Heller, the chamber'due south most endangered Republican this twelvemonth.


Credit... Ryan Christopher Jones for The New York Times

In addition to beating Wisconsin'due south Mr. Walker, Democrats also elected Gretchen Whitmer as governor of Michigan, a former State Senate leader who is seen as a ascension star in the party. Illinois voters elected J.B. Pritzker, a Democrat and Hyatt hotel heir, over the embattled governor, Bruce Rauner.

The night began with a upshot in Kentucky that suggested a night of mixed results. Republicans staved off an early setback in a conservative-leaning House district in primal Kentucky, as Representative Andy Barr repelled a tearing challenge from Amy McGrath, a quondam fighter pilot running equally a Democrat. Mr. Barr'due south survival offered some hope to Republicans that they could hang on to a small-scale bulk in the House.

Many voters were waiting to see if the country would place a cheque on Mr. Trump and Republican power in Washington, and if antagonism toward the president would fuel a wave of Republican losses. Only just every bit Mr. Trump shocked many Americans with his victory in the Electoral College in 2016, the possibility that he might receive a political boost Tuesday with Republican wins in the Senate — if not a mandate for the next two years — was a bracing thought for Democrats, and an energizing one for Republicans.

In Chapmanville, Due west.Va., a hardware store worker, Chance Bradley, said he was voting Republican because Mr. Trump had made him "feel like an American once more." But Carl Blevins, a retired coal miner, voted Autonomous and said he didn't understand how anybody could back up Mr. Trump — or, for that thing, the Republican candidate for Senate there, Patrick Morrisey, who went on to lose to Senator Joe Manchin.

"I think they put something in the water," Mr. Blevins said.

Mr. Trump had appeared sensitive in contempo days to the possibility that losing the Firm might be seen as a repudiation of his presidency, even telling reporters that he has been more focused on the Senate than on the scores of contested congressional districts where he is unpopular. And Mr. Trump insisted that he would not have the election results as a reflection on his performance.

"I don't view this as for myself," Mr. Trump said on Dominicus, adding that he believed he had made a "big deviation" in a handful of Senate elections.

Early exit polls of voters, released by CNN on Tuesday night, showed a mixed assessment of President Trump as well every bit of Democratic leaders, and a generally gloomy mood in the land after months of tumultuous candidature marked past racial tensions and spurts of violence.

Overall, 39 per centum of voters said they went to the polls to express their opposition to the president, while 26 percent said they wanted to show support for him. 30-3 percent said Mr. Trump was not a gene in their vote.


Source: https://www.nytimes.com/2018/11/06/us/politics/midterm-elections-results.html

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